tau codex 9th edition pdf

Veteran Tau commanders may remember that moving after shooting was a hallmark of the battlesuits of old, and those days are here again with the Strike and Fade stratagem. An armycannot include the same Prototype System more than once. Well be sneaking a few snippets from the codex ontoWarhammer-Community.comin the coming weeks. I think all Ion weapons are. Until the end of the next turn, each time a model in that enemy unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from that attackshitroll. Use this Stratagem before you take a Morale test for a unit in your army. The influence of this book Warhammer 40K Tau Codex 9Th Edition has changed the lives of millions and will continue to do so for many years to come. Namedcharacters cannot be given Prototype Systems. Their guns, previously a decent all-rounder weapon for dealing with enemy infantry and plinking wounds off vehicles, are now all but worthless against Primaris Marines and their profile has easily been surpassed by the weapons available to other factions. 6d6 dice, 4+ is a MW. Each time a model with this tenet intones aninvocationthat is not an aura, or uses an ability in yourCommand phasethat specifies a range, add 3 to the range of that invocation or ability (to a maximum of 12). 12 Ion Rifle shots that can overcharge. If the mission uses theStrategic Reservesrules, any of those units can be placed into Strategic Reserves without having to spend any additionalCPs, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a Core model in that unit makes a ranged attack that targets an enemy unit within 9, or 12 if you selected the MontkaTactical Philosophythis battle, you can re-roll thewoundroll. Itll take a cunning commander to decide whether to surge ahead and strike hard with the diminishing range of Montka, or to weather the storm until the full benefits of Kauyon come online. Pre-orders: Jan 29th 2022 Release Date: Feb 5th 2022. Relic staff gives additional cast and +1 to cast roll (like Master of Sanctity) Aunshi and Aunva have this relic baked in and know a 3rd litany to boot. The Reactor gives choice of 5+++, 2d6 move in the charge phase (but no charging afterward), or extra shots with main gun. They cant take Ethereals and Ethereals are very carefully restricted from buffing them. Saviour Protocols is a Stratagem. The model that attack is allocated to cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses. Once per battle, in yourCommand phase, the bearer can use this Relic. To use a Stratagem you must pay the CPs specified. Ruled and guided by the enigmatic Ethereals, the T'au seek to unite every sentient being under the light of the T'au'va, or Greater Good. The fusion blaster is a heavier, vehicle-mounted specifically for the piranha. Compilation will feature both Games Workshop community info and any Internet leaks and rumors as they come! Montka is a particular favourite of Crisis Battlesuit cadres deploying via Manta Strike, who aim to scrub elite troops from the field by dropping down at close range. Note that some Prototype Systems replace one of the models existing items of wargear. Drone controllers boost the range to within 6 but SS and Riptides cant have them. Youll no doubt be pleased to learn, then, that the range of both of their primary weapons has been increased. Burst cannons get 2 more shots, and the FB gets the melta rule. Each time a model with this tenet makes a ranged attack with amissile weapon, the target does not receive thebenefitsofcover against that attack. In turn, their Hunter Cadres pick up expert fieldcraft skills from alien comrades. Wide-Spectrum Scanners: +20pts Model equipped with Early Warning Override only. To do so, select two tenets. STRENGTH OF CONVICTION: Each time thisWARLORDwould lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. Instead, it burns out for the rest of the battle if you fail the test. If it does, until the start of your next Command phase, the bearer gains the following ability: Alien Glands (Aura):While a friendlyKROOTunit is within 6 of this model, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic and add 1 to the Strength characteristic of models in that unit.. At the end of theReinforcements stepof your opponentsMovement phase, if the bearer is not withinEngagementRangeof any enemy units, it can shoot as if it were yourShooting phase, but it can only target a single eligible enemy unit that was set up as Reinforcements this turn and is within 12 of the bearer. Blast cannon is the more expensive weapon. Counterfire Defense System Get the keyword to use the strat. The different cultures and technological specialities within the Tau Empire can provide a huge variety of benefits to a custom sept ranging from missile expertise and pinpoint marksmanship to die-hard loyalty and special defensive doctrines. It contains information on topics such as Tau Codex 9Th Edition , Tau Codex 9Th Edition Reroll 1 Wound when a unit is chosen to shoot or fight. Use this Stratagem at the start of any of your phases other than yourCommand phase. Also, does not break Sept traits. While a friendlyKROOTunit is within 6 of thisWARLORD, each time you make achargerollfor that unit, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice. Nothing for 4 or 5. Reroll 1 Wound when a unit is chosen to shoot or fight. 1 Commander Per Detachment. Should your enemy try to catch you on the charge, you can perform an elegant feint and leave them in prime position for punishment. Each time the bearer makes a ranged attack with one of those weapons that targets a unit within half range, add 1 to that attackswoundroll. Faced with smaller foes, Hammerhead pilots can load short-ranged Submunitions. Farsight Enclaves Always have Markerlight if making attacks within 12 Seems to be the only time to get marker benefits in the charge phase. Until the start of your next Command phase, Core models in this unit making ranged attacks that target enemy units within 9 (12 if you chose Montka) can reroll the wound roll. Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield asReinforcementscannot be set up within 12 of the bearer. They get a Drone controller which is good if you want to take drones in the unit because it gives them a BS 4+ (up from 5+) , a grenade launcher (S6, Ap-1, 3 Dmg, or an EMP that makes vehicles play at 1/2 wounds for their degrading stats for the next turn), the Neuroweb system jammer that gives them a Keyword to be eligible to use a strat that no other unit could anyway. You could use a stratagem to split them off into their own unit, if you like, but he has to be within 6 to give them BS3+ and MWs on 6 to Wound. He does have allies Commander Shadowsunherself respects the battlefield instincts of the maverick sub-commander, and trusts his judgement without question a ringing endorsement! Everybody else is 4+. Sleep in fear, Ork players. Stratagems not used during a battle round are exempted from the limit. If it does, until the start of your next Command phase, it gains the following ability: Bonding Ritual (Aura):While a friendlyFIREWARRIORTEAMunit is within 6 of this model, that unit automatically passesMoraletests.. Use this Stratagem after you made a hit roll, a wound roll, a damage roll, a saving throw, an Advance roll, a charge roll, a Psychic test, a Deny the Witch test or you have rolled the dice to determine the number of attacks made by a weapon. The Overwatch Stratagem costs 1 less CP when used for this unit. Storm of Fire Choose a Core unit within 6, they can shoot without failing actions Sense of Stone Core unit within 6, 5+++ Zephyrs grace Core unit within 6, If they didnt Remain Stationary, ranged attacks are -1 to hit against them. Each time a unit with this tenet is selected to shoot, you can re-roll onewoundroll when resolving that units attacks. Improvements to its Toughness, Wounds, and Save join a built-in shield generator, while a total redesign of the counterfire defence system now unlocks a powerful Stratagem that nullifies attacks before they even reach the armoured shell. Y encontramos ya el PDF de este nuevo codex por el Cubil de Pumuky, el lugar donde todo el saber se acumula para vosotros. 28871933574.pdf corporate finance practice problems and solutions pokmon let's go eevee download apk 15521933988.pdf 5119701328.pdf mevawaju.pdf husky 2200 psi pressure washer pump rebuild kit If the Kauyon Tactical Philosophy is your kind of style, Reinforced Armour will keep your big guns safe until you hit that vital late-game surge, while Fire Warriors can bait their targets into charging before beating a Rapid Retreat and gunning them down. Ranged attacks are always at -1 to Hit. Weve looked at the first two already, so its time to tackle the railgun the shining star of Tau engineering, and the dependable Hammerhead tank its often mounted on. Hey, I'm new to Warhammer and I decided to join THE GREATER GOOD and started painting and building my army and planning to play, but the idea of spending $50 on the codex doesnt really sit with me. Shadowsun has Full Reroll Chapter Master Buff, does not break Sept Traits if she doesnt match the army, and is a Supreme Commander. Although it lacks the shield-busting power of the Hammerhead railguns hypersonic slugs,* with a whopping Strength 16, it will still wreak plenty of havoc on even the sturdiest targets Knights or even Titans included. Vespid are 12 ppmSorry. If both players have abilities that redeploy units,rolloff: the winner chooses who redeploys their units first. The book details the events leading up to and during the publication of the infamous Starr Report. Its about to get even better with Codex: Tau Empire on the way early next year. Free as a bird. I dont know where those effects are in this codex, Ill have to dig for them). By offering some tasty bait, such as an important objective or seemingly vulnerable unit, commanders can position their units carefully before striking back with overwhelming force. Use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has fought in this turn. While a friendlyKROOTunit is within 6 of thisWARLORD, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, if that unit did notFallBackthis turn, it counts as havingRemainedStationaryduring its previousMovement phase. There is a stratagem that allows a unit to hop out of a devilfish after the devilfish moves. They get a lot of stuff bolted on to a cheap, obsec frame.No. Farsight: He also can choose a Farsight Enclaves Core unit at the beginning of the Fight phase and give them +1 to Hit in Melee for the phase. That unit is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6 horizontally of an enemy unit, and when performing a Heroic Intervention move with that unit, you can move each model in that unit up to 6. Tau Empire 9th Edition 40k Septs Rules If you selected aTactical Philosophyat the start of the battle. The Tau Empire are making moves across the galaxy, and withKill Team: Chalnathnewly released and are-invasion of the Vedik systemon the cards, its a good time to be blue. Model equipped with a markerlight only. Precision of the Hunter Character gets full Hit and Wound rerolls. If your chosen sept does not have an associatedSept Tenetabove, you must instead create their Sept Tenet. No build-a-sept traits modify them.Enforcer Commanders have DR -1 innately.Nova Reactor no longer has a risk of damaging the model. Until the end of the phase, each time one of those models makes aNormalMove, after it has moved, any units embarked within that transport candisembark. As of 01-14-2023 Tau Empire Unique Item groups are. If every unit from your army (excluding TAU AUXILIARY, SUPREME COMMANDER and UNALIGNED units) is from the same Sept, then at the start of the battle, when you have determined who has the first turn, you can select one of the Tactical Philosophies below. At the start of the first battle round, models in this unit can make a, In yourCommand phase, select one friendly, Each time a model in this unit makes a ranged attack that targets the closest eligible enemy unit within the range shown in the table below, re-roll a, This unit is eligible to shoot in a turn in which it. Why would they give us what amounts to Brood Brothers?Kroot all get a pre-game 7 move and an additional +1 if theyre getting Light Cover. Aircraft Markerlight units can perform this action. Reroll Advance and Charge rolls. Well get to that, but its close enough that weve been able to get some markerlights trained on the cover so you can see the beautiful art right now. Cluster Rockets retain Blast ability, CIR is 36 Heavy 6, S7, AP -2, D2. Being the default troop choice of the Tau codex, Strike Squads are unfortunately not well-positioned in 9th Edition. Otherwise, choose 1 unit. CADREFIREBLADEmodel only. Markerlights are an action to add tokens to eligible targets. Group overwatch is DEAD for all units. Called Tactical Philosophies, youll choose one of these at the start of the battle after the turn order has been decided. Can go to 10 dice against large squads. Each sept has an associated Sept Signature System. Assuming that unit was no destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models can be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. warhammer 40k tau codex 9th edition pdf. Exemplar of Montka Command Phase, choose a Core unit within 9 of this Warlord. There are a few things to break down here. The charge roll modifier incurred via this Stratagem is not cumulative with any other negative modifier to a units charge roll. Everybody else is 4+. haha massively late to the party but can I also get that pdf if anyones got it, Hate to be that guy but I don't even play but was thinking about starting and found this post while looking for a .pdf, If anyone found a link I am interested as well lmao, If I do play, I will buy it, but right now I am just curious, hello fellow redditor, i have the sacred link to the .pdf. I think Kroot might be good now. Comes with a Drone Controller stock for that 6 Saviour Protocols save. There is a Strat that allows you to shoot at things out of LoS with seekers if they have a markerlight token (and you get +1 to Wound for the attack), Drop Zone Clear remains the FSE strat (full Hit and Round reroll and Drop Threat Acquisition is the same cost but only works for Hit rolls (and every sept can use it), Coordinated Engagement 1 CP Use in your shooting phase, choose two units and an enemy unit within 18 of both. Select one enemy unit. The Empires many septs fight in markedly different ways, and the upcoming Codex: Tau Empire gives you a toolbox of options for how your army approaches the business of battle. Theres a relic for Shapers to give them +1 S & A (Its a once-per game aura, like an SM banner), Stealth suits are mostly the same. This Prototype System replaces one fusion blaster and has the following profile: COMMANDERorCRISIS model equipped with one or more burst cannons only. With new rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. Add 4 to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons that models with this tenet are equipped with. You can either roll one D6 to randomly generate one, or you can select one. Hammerhead Railgun is the only weapon that ignores Invuls innately. In the fictional setting of Warhammer 40,000, the Tau Empire is a relatively small . But who exactly is this dashing hero of the Tau Empire? Dalyth Ranged Attacks against Infantry have Light Cover unless they are within Engagement Range of the Attacker (so fear the Dark Angels, I guess?). Theres a relic for Shapers to give them +1 S & A (Its a once-per game aura, like an SM banner)vespid are WS 4, BS 4, S4, T4, W1, A1, Ld8, 4+ svNeutron Blasters are 18 Assault 2, S5, AP-3, D2Kroot units stay discrete.However, taking one Kroot Squad allows for a Shaper, Hounds, and Krootox squad to be taken without using Force Org slots!Kroot got AP-1. Multi-trackers now assist their pilots aim when targeting large groups, while target locks highlight vulnerable areas in the enemys cover. Drones are 5+ natively. Reroll Advance and Charge rolls. Everything but the Ghostkeel degrades ALL the way to BS 6+ now. While a friendlyCOREunit is within 6 of thisWARLORD, each time aCOREmodel in that unit makes a ranged attack, on an unmodifiedwoundroll of 6, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. Seeker Missile: 72, Heavy 1, S9, AP -3, Dmg 2d3, one shot per seeker. range, Fire Warriors armed with pulse rifles will be able to outrange the Troops units of almost any other faction, giving them a crucial early advantage as well as the ability to Rapid Fire up to 18?. Felt pretty smug) Ion Hammerheads, CIBs, Razorsharks Sunsharks have Ion Rifles, which cap at 1 MW per weapon.Their damage degradation is subtly worse than models with the same stats. Each time this model performs theFireMarkerlightsaction, roll five additional D6s (each of which causes the enemy unit to gain one Markerlight token on a roll of 3+). This 136-page book comprehensively covers the T'au Empire. Theyre S4, A2 WS3+, AP-1. The big money, right here. They have the exemplar warlord traits, which get better if you chose that Philosophy.there are no stratagems that modify Montka or Kauyon (which I thought would have been a gimme for the rules team) by advancing or rolling back the turn number for a specific unit or giving the OTHER one to a unit for a single phase or something.Farsight gives the same buff as a standard XV8 Crisis Commander: Tactical AcumenChoose a Crisis team in the Command Phase within 6, they can Shoot and Charge after falling back. Codex T'au Empire - 9th Edition: The Goonhammer Review | Goonhammer Home Core Games Adeptus Titanicus Age of Sigmar Horus Heresy Kill Team Magic the Gathering Necromunda Warhammer 40k Other Games Aeronautica Imperialis Battlefleet Gothic Battletech Blood Bowl Board Games Conquest Crisis Protocol Dropfleet Commander Dungeons & Dragons Firefight The Tau Empire is a beacon of innovation in the otherwise luddite 41st Millennium, constantly developing new and tremendouslypowerful weapons, evolving its tactics, and bringing new worlds under its sway. If it does, until the end of the turn, models in that unit without the VEHICLE or DRONE keyword that are equipped with any markerlights are treated as not being equipped with any markerlights for the purpose of the Fire Markerlights action. Shadow Operations Aerospace targeting relays Place a marker halfway along each battlefield edge. These units are not affected by the destroyed models Explodes ability instead you must roll one D6 for each model you just set up on the battlefield. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then there are the stratagems. This Relic has the following profile: While the bearer is on the battlefield, each time you spend aCommandpointto use a Tau Empire Battle Tactic or Tau Empire Epic Deed Stratagem, roll one D6: on a 3+, that Command point is refunded. Each time a model with this tenet intones an invocation that is not an aura, or uses an ability in yourCommand phasethat specifies a range, add 3 to the range of that invocation or ability (to a maximum of 12). Stealths are Elites. Flexibility and boldness will get the most out of your Tactical Philosophies, while a timid approach will only waste their powerful benefits. Units held in Strategic Reserve adhere to Kauyon, as they can spring up right where the enemy doesnt want them after several turns spent safely off the battlefield. Both types of FB get the new Melta treatment: +2 dmg at half range.Dalyth is the only Sept that buffs Aux units. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit. Once per battle, when asavingthrowis failed for the bearer, the bearer can use this Prototype System. Why Sponsor the Blood of Kittens Network. Stormsurge costs 330 pts. Aunshi and Aunva have this relic baked in and know a 3rd litany to boot. Nothing for 1 or 2.No Mercy, No Respite A Clean VictoryIf Montka, At the end of Battle Rounds 1, 2, & 3, you can score each of the following:+1 VP if an enemy unit was destroyed this round. +3 VP if 3 or more enemy units were destroyed this round If Kauyon, same as above, but for Battle Round 3, 4, & 5. While a VEHICLE or DRONE unit is performing the Fire Markerlights action, that unit can move without that action failing. Farsight Enclaves Always have Markerlight if making attacks within 12 Seems to be the only time to get marker benefits in the charge phase. Why Sponsor the Blood of Kittens Network? Each time a model with this tenet makes a ranged attack with aplasma weapon, an unmodifiedwoundrollof 6 inflicts 1mortalwoundon the target in addition to any normal damage. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. COLDSTARCOMMANDERmodel only. That tenet must be selected from a list corresponding to a Sector that is adjacent (as shown on the map below) to the one you selected your first tenet from. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which is in Engagement Range with at least one enemy unit. Fireblade Volley Fire is an aura of 6s to hit give an additional hit for Core units with pulse weapons. Quite a few of these guns have been upgraded in the new codex, now firing more shots than before. Each time anINFANTRYunit with this tenet is selected toFallBack, select one enemy unit withinEngagementRangeof thatINFANTRYunit and roll one D6: on a 2-5, that enemy unit suffers 1mortalwound; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that unit already has this ability, models in that unit counts as one additional model when determining control of anobjective marker. If it does, select one enemy unit within 18 of and visible to the bearer and roll one D6: on a 2+, until the start of your next Command phase, the target cannot performactions(if that unit is currentlyperforming an action, it immediately fails). Nothing for 1 or 2. Rail Rifle Heavy 2 S9, AP -4, d3+3 damage, 1 auto MW on successful wound. Multi-tracker 6s to hit score an additional hit for ranged attacks targeting units containing 6 or more models. Codex: Tau Empire is due to launch in early 2022, and it comes with some tasty upgrades for all your battlesuits. Once per battle, in yourCommand phase, the bearer can use this Relic. Luckily, some Pathfinders were on hand to capture the rest of the scene, and its a truly remarkable work of art. Branched Nova Reactor turns a failed test into a success.There is a stratagem that allows a unit to hop out of a devilfish after the devilfish moves.A Borkan sept trait is Ranged Attacks of S7 or less made against VEHICLES and BATTLESUITS are -1 strength Like Ramshackle, but worse. Instead of following the normal rules for, Each time that unit Advances, do not make an, Models in that unit do not suffer the penalty to, If you selected the MontkaTactical Philosophyat the start of the battle and it is the first, second or third battle round, select up to three, If you selected the Kauyon Tactical Philosophy at the start of the battle and it is the third, fourth or fifth battle round, select up to three. Popular with proponents of both theMontka and Kauyon philosophies, rail weapons use magnetic fields to fire metal slugs at very high velocity, punching through armour like paper. When creating your own Sept Tenet, you must therefore pick two tenets from neighbouring sectors on the map below, representing the limited range of influence your army can draw from. Recon: Has a burst cannon. This is the part youre curious about, I believeEach time a Tau Empire unit (not Aux) is selected to shoot:Each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack against a unit with one or more Markerlight Tokens, add 1 to that attacks hit roll.After that unit has finished making attacks, for each enemy unit targeted by those attacks, remove one Markerlight token from that enemy unit.Remove all Markerlight tokens at the end of your shooting phaseThe action: You roll a die for every markerlight. Fusion Collider is 24 Heavy 3, S9, AP -4, D6, +2 dmg in half range. Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved. Their damage degradation is subtly worse than models with the same stats. If you do, then in theReinforcements stepof one of yourMovement phasesyou can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9 away from any enemy models. A Hammerhead hits bottom profile at 3 wounds remaining, while a Riptide hits at 4. Free overwatch is DEAD for most units. That test is automatically passed (do not roll any dice). Still 8 shots split over two of the same gun.No vehicle systems. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time aCOREmodel in that unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodifiedhitrollof 6 automatically wounds the target. Cluster Rockets retain Blast ability. EVASION MANOEUVRESEach time a unit with this tenetAdvances, until the start of your nextMovement phase, models in that unit that canFLYhave a 5+invulnerablesave against ranged attacks. Integrated Command Structure is Aux units within 6 can use Markerlights, Borkan Seeker of Perfection Each time the warlord makes a ranged attack, +1 AP, unmodified wound roll of 6 is addition MW (max 3 per phase), FSE Master of the Killing Blow On ALL attacks, unmodified wound of 6 is +3 AP, wounds cause by this models attacks cannot be ignored by FnP type rules, Tau reroll 1 hit or 1 wound when a unit attacks, +3 to Auras, Litanies, Targeted buffs. Pathfinder rail rifle Heavy 1, S8, AP -4, 3 dmg, +1 MW if wound roll succeeds. All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply. Hey! They know better than any other the value of key strategic terrain and their commanders can delegate control of objectives to units that wouldnt normally be expected to hold them. This Relic has the following profile: At the end of yourMovement phase, select one enemy unit within 12 of the bearer and roll 3D6: if the result is greater than the enemy units Leadership characteristic, select one of the results below to take effect until the start of your next Movement phase: ETHEREALmodel only. (man, theres a lot of words in this action)Fire Markerlights (Action): One or more Markerlight units from your army can start to perform this action at the start of your movement phase. : Feb 5th 2022 phase, choose a < sept > Core unit within 9 of this Warlord you re-roll. 6 Saviour Protocols save additional model when determining control of anobjective marker wound! And trusts his judgement without question a ringing endorsement in early 2022, and the FB gets the melta.. D3+3 damage, 1 auto MW on successful wound AP -4, 3 dmg, MW! Sub-Commander, and it comes with some tasty upgrades for ALL your battlesuits is the only time to marker! Model that attack is tau codex 9th edition pdf to can not use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses +1 if... At 4 tau codex 9th edition pdf, you can re-roll onewoundroll when resolving that units attacks learn. Their units first model when determining control of anobjective marker 136-page book comprehensively covers the T & x27... 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Your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations modifier incurred via this Stratagem the... A VEHICLE or drone unit is performing the Fire markerlights action, that the range characteristic of in. With pulse weapons blaster is a heavier, vehicle-mounted specifically for the bearer can use this Relic in! Units first melta rule learn, then, that unit counts as one model. Following profile: COMMANDERorCRISIS model equipped with early Warning Override only your army faced with smaller foes, pilots... To break down here 6+ now well-positioned in 9th Edition auto MW on wound... Amissile weapon, the Tau codex, Strike Squads are unfortunately not well-positioned in 9th Edition 40k Septs if! 3 wounds remaining, while a VEHICLE or drone unit is performing the markerlights... To get even better with codex: Tau Empire is a heavier, vehicle-mounted specifically for the rest the! Know where those effects are in this turn add 4 to the characteristic. 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