once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

I hope I see him again. He let go immediately and tried for a smile, Regina Navar, right?. Madame Gligan was even able to recommend a few herbalist guides Regina hadnt heard of for research, which Regina thanked her for. This, the wind in her hair, surrounded by her teammates, her housemates coloring the stands blue and brassthis was what it was about. Have you been able to find the library Granny told us about yet? Emma decided to stay where she was and give the frustrated other girl some space. If you werent, sorry for leaving. If she has killed me, it is likely she would kill you too. She wanted to upgrade her trunk to make it more secure and help her organize all the potions ingredients she now regularly bought and stored. Then I was going to try the Hair-Raising and the Hair-Flattening potions because I wanted to practice more potions in pairs with similar or antithetical properties., A very clever strategy, Gold approved with a tilt of his head. You can barely walk in a straight line. Moments turned into minutes and minutes into hours. She has more important things to do. Luckily, she recovered well enough and the captain ordered all the bludgers to be caught and locked up again. Regina wondered, but didnt ask. How Her eyes went wide and then narrowed at Regina, Why does it appear as if you have added exceptions to our anti-apparition wards?. She glared at Lily, voice harsh as she said, I know what an adult looks like when they dont give a shit about you, trust me. Emma had plenty of bad memories from her childhood and more recently everything with the prophecy. Oh, I dont believe Ive said it aloud yet. She picked up the bag and, again, scooped up Regina bridal style, walking out of the room. Theres an older girl that Ive talked to about twice and then some boysa nine-year-old and a five-year-old. Emma didnt think, she just threw herself far to the right and up onto a pedestal in an alcove with a suit of armor. Regina Mills and her best friend Emma Swan are competitive figure skaters, Olympic hopefuls, training long hours in hopes of reaching their dreams. Emma gave a small smile at their reversal of roles, before carefully walking Regina through the typical shield spell and its variant. It was starting to feel like magic was just a pretty dream. Neat, huh?. I cleared my throat. That was when - to my surprise - Henry emerged from behind and ran toward the pool. Then I guess youre not coming in. And Sharon slammed the door in her face. Whatever. She shook her head before smirking at the other girl, but backing off, she could tell when someone was too stubborn for their own good. Set after the underworld in season 5 when everyone arrives back to Storybrooke. Meeting Rubys grandmother, whod raised her since Rubys parents had died soon after she was born like Emmas had, was different. Any idea what house youll be in, dear?, Of course, if youre with Min-Professor McGonagall, you must be a Muggleborn. Ms. Sapphire patted her on the shoulder and drew her a bit away, Im so glad everything worked out according to plan. She whipped her streaming eyes. Please be sure to confer with your classmates later tonight, regarding what you miss.. She made her way back to the front, only getting lost twice and snuck a peak at the fountain when she got near enough. None, Neal replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Im Lance., Regina did know Adrian since he was her year, but what did that have to do with his brother. He pushed her records back to her and began drawing forms from his drawers. Set around Season 4ish. Emma tensed immediately and went over to answer it herself, abandoning the kids program shed been watching with the younger ones to keep them still. But theyd only just broken the spell. The horse cantered around the classroom. Emma, I dont- I started but then she lifted a bottle of water from beside her chair. Evidently the bedrooms were upstairs as the entire bottom floor of the cottage was an open space with a stone fireplace, stovetop to one side, a couch and worn looking chairs to the other, and a circular kitchen table in the center. He needs to want to marry you, you need to make him want to. How can I help you?, Good evening. I need to stop her. But what? Turned awkwardly she shouted, Protego! As if on cue the large bubble that had formed by the other bubbles merging until it covered the entire surface of the cauldron popped, sending hundreds of boiling droplets all over the small practice dungeon. Cora looked at Regina over the edge of the paper, This is why trying to do anything beyond eliminate inferior races is foolishness. Regina rolled her eyes and stepped up to the frozen girl, Very well, Ill release you. Ready? Regina asked as Emma got herself situated, Emma nodded, trying not to press to much against Regina, not wanting to push the girl, even as she desperately wanted to be closer. Somehow, the photographs moving was stranger than the oil paintings. As they waited in the locker room to file out, Isha, the new beater, looked over at her and gave a grin that Regina felt herself returning. Or maybe he was just a drunkshed known enough foster parents who were like that. Of course, Emmas lips brushed Reginas as she replied to Reginas question, just in case it wasnt obvious from before. Finally they stopped in front of the newest looking books that shed seen if this section. Hey, Regina replied, too baffled to say anything else. She came closer and sat down on the edge of Emmas bed. Just when I was about to break the kiss, Emma straightened herself, pulling me back with her. Emma rolled her eyes, but obligingly turned back to her potion. Would you like to ride too?. Im just using him for my bareback riding practice. Either way, she knew the second it was released, her eyes locked on the glittering golden ball. Despite knowing it was on the edge of their property, both witches heard the distinct cracks of multiple apparitions onto the property. Emma went to the opposite end of the room and began to make her way towards the front, while Ruby did the reverse. Its my fault hes dead., Its definitely her fault, Emma said and Regina almost couldnt believe how good it was to hear her say that. Therefore, Regina immediately lead into her next argument, Also, I was hoping that I could try to brew some of the potions we dont cover in class, on the days I dont have a student I mean., Really? That caught his attention. Snow wasnt exactly a common first name, even in the wizarding world. I found myself staring at her and soon, she started fidgeting and turned to her other side. I know a short cut! She didnt sound worried, she sounded excited. She reached forward and grabbed blindly at a fruit before she got up and strode away, shaking. Nerve-calmers were again, not expressly forbidden if they were minor enough. If you miss a pair, they explode and arent in play anymore. He demonstrated that as well, not tapping a pair which caused those two to emit sparks and make the exploding noise. Of course, we pure bloods need to stick together. The captain had drilled her into that the snitch almost always got lost in the confusion of the kick off of the game and that it was better to simply move out to a good spot and start her search. Was it an owl of one of her friends? It was like some of the books that got donated to them and ended up having missing pages somewhere in the middle. That would cause her to destroy evidence or flee., Her word isnt enough though, not to get a warrant to search the house of Cora Navar, Tamara cut in. Did you just-? I spoke as I realized there was nothing beneath me. Therefore, since August said hed find them, but he didnt say when or where, she was constantly on alert for when he might show up. Emma pulled out the map Leroy had given her, Well start heading to the minethe pond with the valerian flowers is on the way.. I guess we should, um- join the party? I suggested. This was probably the meanest thing Emma had ever heard the other girl say. She approached the clearing more cautiously than usual and peered through the trees and underbrush. Emma hadnt even noticed her moving to stand beside Emma and her friends. Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time/Peterpan Fanfiction), Chapter 1: And Straight On 'Til Morning Part 1, Chapter 2: Straight On 'Till Morning part 2, Chapter 3: The Heart of the Truest Believer, Chapter 13: I Accidentally On Purpose Find the Others, Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time Fanfiction). Some of the professors have done it too. At least Flitwick hadnt, so Charms should be okay. She wasnt anyone special and her parents hadnt left her any guidancethere was nothing she could do. Hed promised another dwarf would meet them at the mine entrance. You decided you knew better. Mad Hatter | Jefferson. Please pick Ravenclaw, she thought, her eyes shut tight. They didnt raise me, they didnt know me! Yeah, I guess. Her lip curled up as she spat, And say thank you. Neither Hufflepuffs had much of a response as they panted to keep up with the other girls pace. Thanks! Kathryn ran off to her own room to get them. You may come in, provided that cat goes back on the streets where it belongs., All Emma could hear was the implication that that was where Emma belonged too, but that Sharon was making a very generous exception letting Emma in. We had a drink or two from time to time, but I didnt want to get too drunk, so I slowed myself down a little, but Im pretty sure Emma lost count as to how many shots she had and I knew that I really had to look out for her and also somehow convince her that we should go back to the hotel. Emma ended up heading to a nearby park, with her trunk and Splotch. But Emma had thought, Emma had found her best for escaping from Cora with her heart intact. We can finish our talk later.. You know how to do that? she asked, crossing her arms, her brows in a frown. Aurors? Its about the fact that they all expect things of me now., Mary Margaret did actually seem to be listening, she had the same look on her face whenever they learned a new charm, slightly open-mouthed understanding. Your arm looks terrible. Emma glanced down at it and grimaced, between the bruising and gash from whatever stone had scrapped it, it did look pretty bad. It was a question she knew Emma, who had been in numbers of foster homes, had asked herself too, even if shed never come out and say it until now. My mother was one, I guess. No. Emma did appreciate that someone else had noticed the name thing and that the other girl had correctly identified Mary Margaret as the one who spilled the beans. McGonagall gave her a kind smile, Matching a witch to a wand is challenging and time-consuming, but worth the time it takes. For our little found family. I would never do that to a refined queen , she smirked. Also, David and Mary Margaret were physically holding Ruby back, each with a gripe on to an arm as Ruby tried to move towards Emma. Regina. WAIT WHAT? Regina Emma said, trailing off. I have brought proof of the business, if that would be helpful, Regina reached down into her bag to pull out her ledger. Emma sighed and ran a hand through her hair before she looked Regina in the eye and willed the other girl to hear her out. Abigail Midas. Reginas focus narrowed even as her nerves grew tighter. Abruptly light and sounds came back, especially after the mine, daylight was too bright. Regina went over to the chalk board and wrote down a three-digit number. So, did I even need to be the one to break the curse? Emma asked Granny. After though, everyone had to testify in court which meant the people who took them down were well known.. Shed researched all day in between transfiguration practice and charms work. It was early morning and shed been woken by some loud birds who had evidently gotten territorial about her sleeping spot. True, Emma admitted as she copied Regina, kneeling opposite her I have no one to blame but myself.. I sat her back on the end of the bed and went to get her and myself clean pajamas. Quick thinking said she couldnt leave the money to Papi, that would be the same as giving it to Mother. You must bring your own ingredients. Regina fumbled with the latch and the owl flew in, wings brushing her cheek and causing her to flinch. This is Emmas house and she needs help finding the management panel so she reconnect the fireplace to the Floo network., Dillys eyes managed to grow even bigger as she looked around her, as if just now noticing the house. Mary Margaret moved closer to the upset girl, Or why you were acting so sad at the end of last year?, I Ruby sheepishly rubbed her arm. Well?, So I was thinking and I think I wanted to ask you, Alright, she nodded. Hows this?. Ruby smiled, Yeah, this is my friend: Emma Swan. The Auror Office has other potions, stronger ones, and spells that help them tell when a person is lying. And her mother knew it. Bye, Neal.. The tryout for seeker is simple whoever catches the snitch first is on the team. Granny gave her an unreadable look, before giving a polite nod and shaking her hand, You as well. Wow, you know the castle really well! Mary Margaret said, sounding very impressed. Emma threw her cloak over her trunk and walked in very carefully so as not to arose suspicion. Just then, Mary Margaret yelped, closing the book abruptly so that she could use it to swipe at a spider that had crawled around from the back of it. After being at school, she felt too vulnerable without it. I let her wrap her arms around me tightly. Definitely, I should get one of those, Lily smiled as she handed the book back. You should pursue your dreams, Regina, Papi said gently and sincerely. She was quiet, but always very nice. When Regina looked back down at the envelope, she saw that that a flap had opened up ever so slightly. Mostly its just the school subjects, I dont think saying Im enjoying Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Potions is hard would go over wellfor all I kind of want to say it just to see their faces. He asked me what I knew about Hogwarts right before he left and told me some of this. All that was left of her Papi. Keep your wand focused and channel magic to the point, Ill be doing the same. I feel as though you are still at school.. I hope you know how much you mean to me, she said and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. I wanted to be prepared, so yes, I downloaded the app., No, no, absolutely not. Nothing less will do. Its better to take a little longer making sure they are crushed correctly and measure accurately than to hastily add them, Regina informed her. When he spotted them and the burning wall hanging he frowned and began to walk towards them, Are you two allowed to be in here?, Regina turned her head very slowly to look back at him and he froze. They were going to beat it, they were going to break the curse, and be friends for the rest of their lives. Kathryn gave her a calm smile which was all Regina needed. Sorry. She rubbed the back of her neck, Just kidding. Yeah, this looks super simple, Ruby said. After a few minutes of muted thumps against the locked door, the sounds gradually died away and they all slowly relaxed. Emma held Regina's hands and kissed her hair and forehead as the doctor and nurses set up for the spinal tap. Menu. Spells to keep all your parts inside your body., Regina actually laughed at that, You sound like youve had a very educational time looking this up., Lets just say Mary Margaret is very concerned about me, Emma said, smiling. Work Search: When she caught the shop assistants eyes, the assistant gave a slight nod. Emma finds herself drawn to the mysterious Regina Mills and wants to help her, which leads her to do a very stupid, Emma-like thing. Henry Mills Ships Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Emma Swan is the golden retriever gf she was supposed to be on the show, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan. Youre a first year too, right? The blasting curse made a loud bang when it hit where shed been standing only a few seconds ago. My friend Ruby has been a fan since she was a kid and she got to me before my other friend Mulan could convince me over to the Kenmare Kestrels., Nice, I like Puddlemere United, but Holyhead isnt bad. First, you need to calm yourself to slow your breathing and heartbeat down Keep taking deep breaths Now you have to stretch out your legs and arms as far as possible, but dont tilt your chin down Good! The people kissing are not necessarily couples. Emma hastily moved on to her main excuse, Oh, well, I still dont think I can gowherever you live., Oh! he hit his forehead lightly. Regina quietly slipped down the hallway and out into the cool night. What if Regina had a daughter before she adopted Henry and unlike her brother she decided to learn magic. She went home and ignored her foster brothers questions, locking herself in her room while she tried to go over everything theyre researched about breaking curses and blood magic. Apparently, since she was a witch and going to this magical school, she also needed special magical school supplieseverything on the list the professor had given to her along with her acceptance letter. Then I showed your aurors her vault and all its hearts. Regina savored her shock even as she cast, Depulso! And Cora was flung a couple meters away. Youre just constantly making everything unnecessarily complicated. Probably to stroke her own ego. Emma looked up, hoping the anger she felt covered up any genuine hurt that might show in her eyes. She crossed her arms in front of her and pointed out, And what exactly are you here doing?. To come here instead of waiting out the week was very strange. Madame Pomfrey can improve your prescription to a degree, Regina said. Do you fancy a dance, Your Majesty?, She laughed whole-heartedly and accepted my offer. Im Mr. Clark-Smith. This isnt a controlling parent, shes actually a murderer!, I know, I know. "You might as well come in." Regina got up and began shutting down her laptop and gathering her things, seemingly taking Emma's presence as the signal to leave. Her mother had agreed, so long as she paid for it with left over school spending money or her fathers money. Emma was only a few seconds behind her, but Regina now had a solid lead. Four days to spend with Regina and Henry, the people who mean the most to me. We have a broomstick club and a winged horses club and you can join if you want to learn. So, did she want to come right out and say she didnt have a lot of happy memories too or did she want to drop it and not help Regina, who she realized she wanted to be her friend. And she was concerned before.. Moms? I dont feel like its real. Now, Emma must care for two toddlers and figure out how Regina's split half returned from the Wish Realm. And heres the question. Come, Whiteyou gotta know something. Whatever you feel, is what you feel. What was she talking about? Are you quite sure? Was he trying to get around getting in trouble? Her hands, clasped tightly around her elbows, were shaking from the pressure she was exerting. But, she tried to explain, they still dont get it. Nice to meet you as well, Regina gave a little nod before turning back to the tack. A frown grew on his face and he changed his path to make a beeline for her. Would you mind if I brought you back home now, Emma?, Emma blinked at her in surprise. Now, if thats all, its late and I need to get some rest. Do you understand?. Really? No one had ever done so much for her. Yes me. You should come., This isnt just a bunch of lower years, is it?, Nope, Emma said, popping the p. I do want to be a potioneer, but the best way to do that would be to get an apprenticeship. It was one thing to test potions on herself, another to do it to her friend. Ill look into seeing if theres any spell to help with those, you can keep working on those reports for the aurors. Let me just grab my bag, Emma said, feeling almost naked without her wand in the presence of another witch. I dropped my backpack on the floor and one by one, I pulled down all the zippers on it, hoping I would feel something metal between my fingers. A few days later, she decided to sit at the counter and see if maybe she could actually talk to Neal. By the time theyd finished their lap and moved to the center of the field to hover opposite the Gryffindors, her elated grin was replaced with a fierce one, ready to win her first game and bring home a Ravenclaw victory. Witch to a once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness, Regina gave a slight nod theres an older girl Ive! Hadnt heard of for research, which Regina thanked her for what I knew about Hogwarts before. Its late and I need to stick together where shed been woken by some loud birds who had gotten! Needs to want to you live., Oh, well, I forgot how to breathe you can join you... 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