the villainess lives twice novel spoiler

At the brink of death, the one who extended a helping hand was her arch nemesis, the righteous Grand Duke Cedric. When both Tia and Lawrence abandon her, you can see her heartbreak, and while this result is 100% deserved because of her actions, there is the tiniest little spec of pity. If only Grand Duke Roygar was killed, it would not be easy to think that Cedric would be the next successor. We're presented with a woman who knows there's no excuse for the innocent lives she's destroyed - no sad childhood or miserable backstory can make up for the evil she's puppeteered. The Duchy of Riagan had monopoly rights on the South Sea salt. To the extent that it is necessary to discuss the percentage of South Sea salt in Emperor Gregors vital natural treasury. She gives up after this offer and eventually kills him herself seemingly without an ounce of regret. Even Laurence regaining his memories ultimately serves as a distraction because with his memory of having been emperor once, he starts obsessing over goals he, while Cadriol, the prince of Eimel, also retained all his memories from the past. She openly calls herself a tool, doesnt eat well at the start of the story, willingly put herself in the firing line for the sake of her plans and thinks of herself as incapable of love. Laurence has his sister punished after she becomes a liability to him, since as his former. Kan ve gzyalaryla, zaman geri evirmek iin kadim byyi yapmak iin kendi vcudunu feda eder. A great example is the wedding, where nearly all the nobles focus on the Empress attending, except for Cedric who notices how pretty Tia is. I disagree with everything except the dresses, but I'm not in the mood to properly articulate it. So far, it has been evenly distributed at the businesses of several places, and the price is also controlled. The emperor passed a law that only married people can have affairs - why?? Ill be curious to read what others thought about the series in the comments and apologies for making you endure my ramblings. But he himself was a knight from the bottom up. It had been a year since he'd embarked on a journey of dating 31 women, fell in love with his three finalists and ultimately ended the season without a proposal. He visited the Empress Palace. At this point in the story, Cedric is overly trusting of his vassals, believing none would ever seek to do him harm. Said slapper is in her 30/40s with two kids, so uh idk if that would convince her at this point. She shares personal info unbecoming of an alleged mastermind. "You're brother has to do well, for you to also do well.". The Villainess Lives Again ( , Agnyeoneun du beon sanda; also known as The Villainess Lives Twice) is a Web Serial Novel from 2018 written by Mint Han and published by Golem Factory. I must have overlooked it, Thanks broi wanted to know the same thing. The Duchy of Riagan faces not only persecution in the Kingdom of Eimmel, but also another fear. . We are just pleading for help in clearing the false accusations.. How dare you. He was aware of the fact that his uncle and his wife had betrayed their predecessors. And the one that reaches out his hand to save her from the verge of death is her righteous enemy, grand duke . Tias mother is also complete garbage, but understandable garbage (if that makes sense). Cedric: '"You're not surprised.". Why is there none. But you know what the best part about this is, he doesnt become obsessed with Tia the way other male leads do. In addition, through several routes, the story of the Empress missing the Duchy of Riagan in the middle of her life was blown into his ears. She knows what she is good at, and is acutely aware of her limitations. This FUCKING PAGE. Artezia thinks the two were in love with each other, but it's heavily implied Cedric arranged the engagement to protect Lisia, his, In the original timeline, Artezia sent Cedric into exile by appealing to his. He found it difficult to speak this way to the great nobility of the capital. I hate The Villainess Lives Twice. That's frankly par for the course for the genre, but I could understand being particularly frustrated if everything else annoyed you. !> Honestly I found this part my favorite because the whole dynamic of her family is: narcissistic parent, golden child and scape goat. To Roygar, this represents the absolute worst case scenario since Roygar was doing everything for his family. Since then, Cedric hasnt threatened or done anything in particular. It also gives a justifiable reason why she sides with Cedric in her second life, as she has already been convinced that he is a good person from what happened before her death. And it's about time for Tia to understand, and accept, that the one Cedric loved, loves . "Only when your brother is happy can you be happy." She committed all kinds of evil deeds to make him Emperor. SSS-Class Suicide Hunter. Laurence wants more than anything "legitimacy", as he has a complex about the fact that he is an illegitimate son. It's also there for the sake of family drama. ask rich people stepping out of a noble carriage for money. And in the meantime, the Riagan Ducal couple kept their silence in the South. I can't And this is incredibly accurate for a manwua. It was unlikely that Her Majesty would recognize anyone not of her blood as heirs of the Empire.. It was because if it was a noble who valued face more than the real profit, he would be yelling at Boertz for what he saw Boertz as. Gregor is tricked into believing that Cedric intends to start a coup against him and attempts to preempt him. Ironically, while Artezia came to regret the decision due to befriending Lisia, it's clear that Lisia ended up falling for Laurence for real and genuinely tried to make the relationship work, but rather than being the good influence she hoped to be to him, he instead grew obsessed. She doesnt instantly and suddenly think of magical solutions that solve all their issues, but works through with well thought out and logical actions. He is righteous and has a strong moral code. The only people that survived this purge were his nephew, Cedric, and his 12-year-old little brother, Roygar. His Majesty the Emperor knew that Fernando Riagan had another pocket, but he must have thought that it was only contributing to the old mans livelihood.. * I think you misunderstand - i picked up on those things. Only for I want to keep reading the novel, even so I feel they hurried that part a bit. Cedric is able to use the extreme trust he has gained over the years to take control of the army supposedly in order to protect Gregor, then deposes him. The event that starts the story is something that the MC usually has no influence over. THIS IS ALL A CONTRACT MARRIAGE TOO! Her mother believes herself superior to everyone, but she has way to manipulate people to an extent, she can't see other women other than competition and the main reason she loves her son is because he is carbon copy of her. P.s; I really went ape when they were acting lovey dovey in front of the beggars. And like that she succeeded creating 2 non functional young adults that now see her as a hydrance and is paying for it. To Gregor, this makes sense given that he murdered his own legitimate children to strengthen his position. It's justified by the fact that Mirailla, her mother, keeps Artezia isolated and deliberately makes Artezia ugly to feel better about herself. Artizea bowed her head. The

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